Tara Dorey
Born in Oakville, ON, Canada
Based in Toronto, ON, Canada
2012 OCAD University, Bachelor of Fine Art: Drawing and Painting (Toronto)
2011 York University, Community Arts Practice Certificate (Toronto)
Group Shows
2015 Unsung Sheroes, The Bluffs Gallery (Toronto)
2014 Deck the Walls, Project Gallery (Toronto)
2014 Eco Art and Media Festival, York University (Toronto)
2014 Stuff: The Culture of Obsolescence, Samuel J. Zacks Gallery, YorkU (Toronto)
2014 Viva la Creatividad, Gladstone Hotel (Toronto)
2014 Art Soup, Bending Spoons Gallery (Toronto)
2013 MOMENTUM, Project Gallery (Toronto)
2012 Ms Jaded, OCAD U Transit Space (Toronto)
2012 MADE Exhibit, Bending Spoons Gallery (Toronto)
2012 Two Oh Five: The Forgotten, The Gladstone Hotel (Toronto)
2012 NO END: The Other DRPT Grad Show, Creatures Creating (Toronto)
2012 Grad Show, OCAD University (Toronto)
2012 YWCA Opening Exhibit, YWCA Elm Center (Toronto)
2012 The Figure Show, OCAD University (Toronto)
2011 Y̶O̶U̶.̶ US, The Gladstone Hotel (Toronto)
2011 Student Show, Samuel J Zachs Gallery (Toronto)
2010 The Nature of Things, Eleanor Winters Art Gallery (Toronto)
2010 Figuratively Speaking, Special Projects Gallery (Toronto)
2009 Alumni Show, Catherine Glover Gallery (Belleville)
2016 Connections, Assistant Artist and Volunteer Coordinator, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2015 Birches and Bluffs, Lead Artist, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2014 Ultra Rare, Co-Artist (Collaboration of 6), OCAD University Student Gallery (Toronto)
2014 Birches and Bluffs, Lead Artist with Summer Youth Team, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2013 Taste of Lawrence Youth Mural, Lead Artist with Summer Youth Team, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2013 Forest of Birch Trees, Artist Assistant with Summer Youth Team, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2012 Birch Tree, Artist Assistant with Summer Youth Team, Mural Routes (Scarborough)
2012 St Dunstan Believes School mural project, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2011 Metamorphosis, Artist Assistant with Youth Volunteers, Mural Routes (Scarborough)
Mural Facilitation
2015 Pan Am Path Torch Relay, Participatory Mural, University of Toronto Scarborough (Toronto)
2015 Cultural Hotspot East Youth TTC Bus Murals, Eatonville Library, VIBE Arts (Toronto)
2014 Welcome 41 Mural Project, Native Child and Family Centre, Arts for Children and Youth (Toronto)
2012 Youth X-Press TTC Murals, Covenant House, Arts for Children and Youth (Toronto)
Public Arts Events
2015 Live Art Festival, Community Arts Activities Coordinator, Pan Am Path Art Relay, Mural Routes (Toronto)
2011 Subtext Multi-Arts Festival, Artist Facilitator, Scarborough Arts (Toronto)
2010 Growing Art, Artscape Wychwood Barns (Toronto)
2008 Painting Parkdale's Stories community mural project kick-off event, Revue Cinema (Toronto)
2016 Platform A Community Arts Projects, Long Winter at The Great Hall (Toronto)
2014 This Light of Mine, Curator, Belmont House, Nuit Blanche (Toronto)
2014 Creative Potluck, Neighbourhood Arts Network, Lakeshore Arts (Toronto)
2013 Off the Wall: The "hidden" aspects of community mural making, SparkPlugs Speaker Series, Humber College L Space Gallery (Toronto)
2011 Leadership Training in Mural Making: An Overview, Mural Routes' 14th National Mural Symposium (Toronto)
Awards and Grants
2015 Platform A Community Arts Grant, Toronto Arts Council
2010 J.P. Bickell Community Arts Award, York University
2009 Ronald Bloore Award, York University
2007 Quinte Arts Council Bursary
Class Action: Tara Dorey, Program coordinator, Mural Routes, Kevin Ritchie, NOW Magazine, Nov 2014.
AFCY Eco-Awareness through Art Making Residency in Fresh Print Magazine, Nov 2013.
MOMENTUM Exhibit, in snapd Beaches/Danforth, Oct 2013.
Creating Murals, Step by Step. Chris Riddel. The Torontoist, 30 April 2013.
Intergenerational Art-Making. Seana Connell. Friday Morning Coffee: ArtBridges, 25 Jan 2013.
Two Oh Five: The Forgotten, in Hewitt`s Take on GSTONE Blog,The Gladstone Hotel's Art Blog. 16 June 2012.
Filling Blank Spaces with Art for Community Improvement and Youth Employment, in The Toronto Observer by Ani Hajderaj. 26 April 2012.
Seeing Life's Bigger Picture Through Youth-led Mural Project. Elaine Teguibon. The Epoch Times, 1 Sept. 2011.
Art looks at animals, nature and reality. Karolina Wisniewski. The Excalibur, 1 Dec. 2010.
Fantasy comes alive at city library. Luke Hendry. The Belleville Intelligencer, Sept. 2007.
Additional Certifications
2011 Mural Routes, Leadership Training in Mural Making Certificate- Platinum (Toronto)